$99.00 USD

Creating Independence: Setting Boundaries with Your Teen or Young Adult

When boundaries are too strict, there is pushback. When there are no boundaries, parents often end up feeling resentful or taken advantage of.

Do you want to learn how to set effective, confident boundaries with the teen or young adult in your life?

If the answer is YES, this 2-part video series will give you immediate access to everything I know and have used with the families I’ve coached to set boundaries that stick.

In addition, you will get the Family Living Agreement PDF which will give you a step-by-step outline to use to guide you in sitting down with your son or daughter to work with one another on this important aspect of the parent/child relationship during the transition to independent adulthood.

Topics include: substance use, curfew, overnight guests, work/school boundaries, housework responsibilities, car/insurance/phone guidelines.

This series is suitable for parents of 16-30-year-olds. Buy the package today and stop white knuckling it through the adolescent years when it comes to setting boundaries with your kids.